Searching for new artistic inspiration? Sometimes a change of scenery is the perfect remedy for a creative drought.

Last weekend, I escaped to Palm Springs, California for a little weekend getaway with my husband. Originally, he had scheduled a surf session at the new Palm Springs Surf Club and I figured it was the perfect excuse to tag along for an overnight trip. Well, I suppose surfing in the desert is indeed too good to be true, as his session was cancelled due to maintenance issues with the wave machine. Nonetheless, I had already booked our hotel and found a pet sitter, so the trip was still on!
This was my first time visiting Palm Springs and definitely will not be my last... because Jules still needs to redeem his surf credit once things are working again, of course. But also, I just loved the crisp air and scenes of Mt. San Jacinto overlooking the town. Chic shops, restaurants, and Spanish colonial and midcentury modern hotels lined the streets, and true to the name, there was no shortage of palm trees to sightsee.
I treated us to a stay at the Colony Palms Hotel, nestled within the quaint Movie Colony and just walking distance from the hustle and bustle of the main street. I was persuaded by the hotel's olive green and gold design accents and the crystal blue pool, reminiscent of a lush oasis amidst the desert sun. The entrance to the hotel is not flashy and obvious, but rather an intimate corridor that opens up to the central courtyard. Walking back to our room felt like wandering through a secret garden, complete with birds of paradise and an orange tree.
Truth be told, I spent much of the weekend just lounging at the pool, reading and daydreaming. Swimming pools have a nostalgic quality and remind me of mid-summer and a break from responsibility. What day is it? What's next on the schedule? Nothing quite matters when you're floating and watching the clouds drift by.

This restful period created more space for artistic ideas to flow. Rest assured, there will be a Palm Springs watercolor series coming soon. But in the meantime, I am also enjoying reviving my writing practice and photography as creative mediums. It's cathartic to illustrate my experiences in different ways, as each medium is its own language and can uniquely communicate memory and emotion.
I hope that my musings may inspire your own expression.
With love,
